Saturday, December 31, 2011

The 2012 Movie Challenges...

SO it's come to this. 2012 that is. If 2011 was The Year Shit Happened; 2012 will be The Year Shit Went Down.

Of course you can't just call a year The Year Shit Went Down without said fecal matter actually going down. As such, we (and by we I mean something your Kiwi Uncle Chop Chop and I made up on his Facebook wall) have set a number of challenges based on movies and TV shows. I've listed them here - once done, you have to write a story to be posted here.

Ready? Let's do this!

The Hangover challenge
Very simple - wake up one morning not knowing where the fuck everyone is and what happened last night. Must involve strippers; finding random baby optional/probably not preferable. Use of rohypnol not really necessary.

The Die Hard challenge
A night that ends with all kinds of messed up.

The How I Met Your Mother challenge
Again, very easy. 1) Suit up! 2) Grab a wingman. Note: they must also follow step 1. 3) Have your wingman introduce you:"Haaaaaaavve you met ??. 4) Reciprocate for wingman. 5) Don't make me tell you how this should end... And yes, I know it's a tv show and don't really care.

The Ferris Bueller's Day Off challenge
Take a day off work. Make said day the best day ever.

The Road Trip challenge
Surely I don't have to spell this one out...

Further ideas for challenges in the comments box people.

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