Thursday, December 06, 2012

This time...

... 30 years ago, I was living in my first house, was recovering after plastic surgery on my right hand and left foot, and still had two months before I stopped being an only child.

... 25 years ago I was in my fourth house, second year of school and was the oldest of three boys.

... 20 years ago was house nine, my final year of primary school - and the last time I was at the same school at the same time as any of my three brothers.

... 15 years ago unlucky house number 13 was balanced out by the fact I'd travelled overseas for the first time, finished high school and had the last of my seven operations earlier that year.

... 10 years ago I'd reached 20 houses, was one year off finally completing a university degree and had been living in a different city to my family for nearly two years, including when I'd gained a sister after four consecutive brothers.

.. 5 years ago I'd lost track of how many places I'd lived, was living and working in London, had visited 19 different countries and would soon after go to a Crowded House concert with a good friend who stopped talking to me six months later.

... today I've been in the same house for 27 months, have visited 40 countries on five continents, travelled hundreds of thousands of kilometres both in the air and on the ground, gained a sister-in-law and nephew, become a godfather, run a backpackers hostel and now wear a suit to work.

In the words of F. Bueller:

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."