Friday, May 04, 2007

I'm On The Road Again...

I'VE mentioned a few times in the last few posts about the fact I've moved on more than one occasion. I can never really figure out the exact number, but generally my age matches the number of houses I've lived in.
Each time it comes to move I like to tell myself it's getting easier. And to an extent it is: with the wonders of e-mails and mobile phones it's not that hard to keep in contact with friends you've made along the way.
There's also the bonus of not seeing people you don't want to on account of not living in the same area.
Despite this, it's still hard to say goodbye.
You become accustomed to an area, used to its little quirks and follibles. I can tell you which tube carriage to go on if you're heading northbound to Willesden Green or southbound to Charing Cross on the Bakerloo line if you want to get out before the rest of the great unwashed.
There's the social groups that will inevitably drift apart once one member moves on, leaving memories and a few good stories to tell at parties.
Then there's the friends.
Every time I've changed cities I've left behind people that I'd rather not have; the kind of friends that are willing to do anything for you at the drop of a hat. And vice-versa.
I'm leaving all that...
Good thing I'm back on the tour buses Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

well Stu, I hope you have a good time around Europe. take care - Kate

Anonymous said...

Stuart, you've changed, you used to hate being called Stu.